Saturday, August 16, 2008

For I'm a Man .....

I woke up one morning with this melody going through my head, made some coffee, then **had** to sit down and pound it out on my guitar.
The words just seemed to flow so easily.. so I share these lyrics with you:

For I'm A Man ...

Time has been running
Along by the Days
When soon we'll be living
A New Life
Changing our Lives,
But not by our Ways
In Love and Freedom

For I'm a Man
Who's loving you
You're a Woman
Who's loving me, too
and I'm a Man
Who's needing you
For my Companion

Where we are going
We don't really know
But Friends will be there,
I'm sure of it
And we must remember
The Friends we have now
For Friendship with me
Is held Sacred

For I'm a Man
Who's loving you
You're a Woman
Who's loving me, too
and I'm a Man
Who's needing you
For my Companion



Hazy Kate said...

I really like this!

Starman said...

thanks Kate. I am looking into maybe trying to compose these songs with computer so I can write it out and get them copyrighted.